While a cravat in the imagination might be a fanciful garment; one for Elizabethan gents and Victorian dandies, the modern reality is (thankfully) somewhat different. The modern day cravat, or ascot tie, as we understand it, is rakish, comfortable to wear and widely applicable. While putting anything around your neck lifts an ensemble beyond the humdrum, the cravat can be as much a go-to as a special occasion piece. Once you get the bug, they’re easy and even addictive to incorporate into all kinds of outfits.

It does, however, take a certain air, and a certain type of confidence to carry one off effectively. Don’t worry; this is the furthest thing from hard work, and absolutely anyone can do it. Should you be short of ideas however, we can certainly give you a nudge in the right direction. We’re here to demystify wearing these fantastic accessories, and hopefully to give you the swagger you deserve when wearing your piece out and about in the world.
For Formal Occasions

For the most formal events, a cravat can be your best friend. Add playfulness, charm or a roguish edge to your dress suit or bring a touch of creativity to an otherwise limited palette. If it's a wedding, whether you are a guest, groom or usher, they remain a constant companion.
Look - we know they might not be appropriate every single time, but whenever you have the freedom to express yourself within certain confines, an ascot tie becomes your secret weapon. Don’t be afraid to pick something with flair or colour either; while a polka dot or paisley is maybe most appropriate here, you’d be surprised what can work, and how well it does!

We advise you to remember that a little goes a long way, and when it comes to formal occasions, less is certainly more. As with much of men’s fashion, it’s the little details that make or break the look. This is never more true than with accessories.

Finally, a word on the pocket square, your Robin to the cravat’s Batman. Perhaps even easier to carry off than a cravat, and virtually indispensable to a good jacket, this simple piece of fabric is worth its weight in gold. A well chosen detail like this lifts an outfit to its full height, and really separates the men from the boys, as it were. Those that know will know, and getting this detail right will certainly mark you out as one who does.

While to the uninitiated, cravats may scream “FORMAL”, the more experienced wearer knows that smart-casual is the ascot’s happiest hunting ground. A simple sports jacket or blazer becomes something else entirely when worn correctly, going from “I made an effort” to “I understood the assignment”.

Our cravat colourways work hand in hand with the brighter, wider palette that you find in the smart-casual arena, allowing you to match or contrast at will, and have fun with your outfit. Want to give off a dandyish energy? Pastel colours and paisleys look perfect for this. Want to power dress? Go for brighter, bolder colours that don’t shy away from the spotlight.

It’s also very easy to go in a more classic, gentlemanly direction here; a cravat in deep red or green is a perfect match for a tweed jacket, picking out elements and making your whole outfit cohesive. A tip - work off either your base colours or your contrast stitching, choosing accessories to work accordingly. For example, the lining of a jacket can give a clue to which direction to go in, or the brightest colour in a tweed or twill. Finally, a jacket may not even be required, as a cravat and a plain white shirt can do plenty of stylistic heavy lifting themselves.

If you’re the type of man who is utterly allergic to any kind of dress code, well, believe us when we say we absolutely know what that feels like! However, a fine cravat can be a friend to the most rebellious spirits too.

As well as being decorative, it can also add attitude and individuality; for want of a better word, it’s rock star stuff. Naturally, this takes confidence, but there is no better start than looking the part on your way to being the part.

Try wearing a cravat unwrapped in the manner of a Tootal scarf for a bit of that Swinging London style; a la Mod, if you will. For a little Italian insouciance, try wearing one in the Sprezzatura style; thrown together, flamboyant, ungathered. For this we recommend a bright colour or a bold pattern, as you’re letting it speak firmly and confidently, and don’t want it to fade into the outfit.

Business Smart

While a tie might be more commonplace (and Cravat Club specialises in these too), a cravat can help you express some personality at work. Indeed, we might even suggest that it suggests a certain level of seniority, as it takes quite some aura to make it work properly.

Try pairing one with a business suit and change your bearing instantly. Your outfit wil retain a degree of formality and seriousness, but you may find yourself carrying your back straighter and expressing your reasoning more confidently. While in recreational settings an ascot might say “I’m having fun”, here it suggests rather the opposite - no messing about. Again, it’s a far cry from the desperate “alpha” stuff we all know and look down upon; in fact the psychology is opposite, allowing inner confidence an outlet.

Needless to say, life is not always organised so neatly, with outfits expected to perform double duty and one aspect of life bleeding into the next. This is of course where a cravat truly excels. The same jacket can be a work staple, a night-out performance piece and a wedding suit, all with the choice of the right accessories. How do you wear a cravat? Why, you won’t understand how you managed without one.
On tying a cravat
Before we leave you to browse, one more thing - let us give you a quick tutorial on how to tie one. See the video above for further demonstration...
Drape around the neck, with one blade slightly longer than the other, in the manner of a tie.
Loop the longest blade around your neck, and pull it over the other in front of you.
Wrap the long around the short.
Pull the longer blade under the knot you’ve made and over the top.
Throw over the front - whereas with a tie you would go through the knot, a cravat sits over it, being much looser to wear.
Adjust and pull your best Cary Grant face in the mirror. You’re ready.
Now, go and be inspired! Our Lookbook is a great place to start, or why not browse our range for a design you love?
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