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How to Be a Gentleman in 2025

The English Gentleman is a cultural stereotype that refuses to go away. No matter how much the UK changes, the stiff-upper-lip reputation is hard to shake. Whether that’s as a foppish love interest, a wise-cracking sidekick, a dashing Spitfire pilot or a steadfast nobleman, you see it all over film and TV. But what does it mean to be one? Before we embark, let’s get the facts in order; the hoary old cliché about the “English Gentleman” has always been something of a myth. The upper-crust gent in a three-piece suit and bowler hat is (for the most part) long gone, if he ever existed. He belongs to the village green, warm beer and finest china vision of England which,...

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How Do I Wear a Cravat? When and Where to Pull Out the Ascot Tie

While a cravat in the imagination might be a fanciful garment; one for Elizabethan gents and Victorian dandies, the modern reality is (thankfully) somewhat different. The modern day cravat, or ascot tie, as we understand it, is rakish, comfortable to wear and widely applicable. While putting anything around your neck lifts an ensemble beyond the humdrum, the cravat can be as much a go-to as a special occasion piece. Once you get the bug, they’re easy and even addictive to incorporate into all kinds of outfits. It does, however, take a certain air, and a certain type of confidence to carry one off effectively. Don’t worry; this is the furthest thing from hard work, and absolutely anyone can do it....

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Dating Guide: Mastering Valentine's Day with Confidence

Whether you’re planning a divine dinner, a skydive or a dive bar, looking good is not optional. Show your loved one how much you care by dressing the part… Like all the best days, Valentine’s Day doesn’t come along as often as you might like it to.  While a pessimist might suggest that it’s an awful lot of pressure for one day, we prefer to think of it as a golden opportunity to show someone how much you care about them. Whether it’s a new person in your life or a long-standing partner, it’s important to show them how you feel.  Planning something special already? Well then, you’ll need to look the part. Looking good is part and parcel, whoever...

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Burns Night - A Style Guide

The end of January brings a celebration of all things Scottish. If you want to mark the occasion with a sartorial flourish, read on… Who was Robbie Burns? Born 1759 in Ayrshire, on the west coast of Scotland, Robert Burns began life as the eldest son of a tenant farming family. By the time he departed this world aged just 37, he did so as nothing less than the national poet of Scotland. Well regarded as a writer, songwriter and political commentator in his own time, his work became nationally important after his death, with his life celebrated every year at Burns Night.  Why is he so important? Emerging just before the Romantic period of Wordsworth, Coleridge etc, his writing...

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2025 - New Year, New You: The Soft Launch

Happy 2025! We hope that the festive season went perfectly for you and that you’re looking forward to the year ahead. But what about those resolutions? New Year’s Resolutions, otherwise known as; the rules that are meant to be broken. None of us are saints, and if we’re honest with ourselves, we know that the resolutions often don’t last the entire year. Real life gets in the way of best intentions, and priorities shift back to normal once the year gets underway. However, we’d like to suggest a resolution that will benefit how you feel, affect how people look at you and best of all, one you might actually keep - dress better! As we all know, the death of...

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